Jan 20: Lee County, Wise County, Community Connections, Charlotte Taylor and Johnson County locations will be on a two hour dealy.



Frontier Health’s Supported Employment program utilizes Individual Placement and Support (IPS) to help individuals find jobs to promote recovery in our community. IPS is a model of supported employment for people with serious mental illness (e.g., schizophrenia spectrum disorder, bipolar, depression). IPS supported employment helps people living with behavioral health conditions work at regular jobs of their choosing. Although variations of supported employment exist, IPS refers to the evidence-based practice of supported employment. 


  1. Every person with severe mental illness who wants to work is eligible for IPS supported employment
  2. Employment services are integrated with mental health treatment services
  3. Competitive employment is the goal
  4. Personalized benefits counseling is provided
  5. The job search starts soon after a person expresses interest in working
  6. Employment specialists systematically develop relationships with employers based upon their client’s preferences
  7. Job supports are continuous and long lasting
  8. Client preferences are honored

IPS specialists strive to build relationships with businesses by visiting in person and learning about individual company cultures, preferences, and needs. When IPS specialists approach businesses, they do so based on individual job seeker skills, strengths, and interests for work. In this way, IPS specialists may be viewed as an extension of the human resources team at the company with the added bonus of being a cost-free service. Not only do IPS specialists take time and care to get to know each business and each individual job seeker to create a good match, but they are also available after a person is hired to assist with on-boarding, training, and problem-solving which helps to ensure success for both the employee and the employer.

If you are interested in having an assessment for eligibility and referral completed for the IPS program
If you are an employer that would like to connect with the IPS program to hire the individuals we serve
please fill out the contact information form: 

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