Sponsored Residential Home Services
Sponsored homes provide an opportunity for community family living for individuals with a primary diagnosis of developmental or intellectual disability providing a home environment to gain skills and independence. The goal for the individual placed in your home is that he or she would have a “life like yours”.
Program Supports
Sponsored Residential Home Services is a program that is mutually beneficial to the individual placed in a home and the sponsor family. The individual receives supports needed to lead as independent a life as possible while living in a family setting. Supports are person-centered for the individual placed. The program provides 24 hour care for the individual living in the home, including working on the training goals and objectives and providing general supervision for health and safety. Some support areas may include:
- Skill-building related to personal care activities including daily living skills, mobility, communication, money management, and shopping
- Utilizing community resources including transportation, shopping, dining at restaurants, and participating in social and recreational activities
Developing the ability to replace challenging behavior for home and community environments including developing a circle of friends, handling social encounters with others, and redirecting challenging social behaviors
Monitoring health and physical conditions and providing supports with medication or other medical needs
Supporting with transportation to and from training sites and community resources
Providing for safety supports to ensure the individual’s health and safety

Unique Opportunity
Sponsor families have a unique opportunity to open their home to an individual in an attempt to help individuals reach their potential while also earning an income. Sponsor contractors are reimbursed a percentage of the total cost billed to the approved funding source. In addition to this, the sponsored residential home charges the individual in the home room and board costs to offset any charges for housing and food.
Sponsor contractors and their back-up staff are required to complete training offered through Frontier Health prior to an individual being placed in the home. Frontier Health also provides supervision of the homes and has 24 hour on-call services.