School Based Services
At Frontier Health, our School Mental Health programs serve all 8 counties in Northeast Tennessee and 14 school systems total. We provide therapy and case management services to youth and school staff. Schools that choose to collaborate with community partners such as Frontier Health have found that they can enhance the academic success of individual students as well as improve their overall mental health. Currently, the following programs are available in various school systems across the region.
Youth Drug Prevention Program (YDPP)
The YDPP with Frontier Health is an early drug intervention program for grades 1-8. This school-based program was created out of the need to combat youth drug use which can lead to addiction. The Youth Drug Prevention Program uses evidenced-based curriculum endorsed by the US Dept. of Education and SAMHSA. The interactive and engaging curriculum focuses on positive social skills, self-concept, problem solving, goal setting, kindness, and empathy. Frontier Health’s Master level therapists present age-appropriate prevention lessons through classroom presentations. YDPP therapists also provide individual therapy and small SEL groups at school on a referral basis.

Frontier Health offers a school based and after school substance abuse prevention program that uses an evidence based curriculum, Too Good for Drugs. It is composed of 10 weekly sessions from 1 to 3 hours in length. It focuses on developing interpersonal skills to resist peer pressure, goal setting, decision making, bonding with others, having respect for self and others and ATOD(alcohol, tobacco and other drug)education. In addition to the curriculum, we offer drug free activities such as arts and crafts, martial arts instruction and gymnastic and/or dance instruction.

The Better Attitudes and Skills in Children (B.A.S.I.C.) program is a school-based mental health early intervention and prevention service program in which a Child Development Specialist (CDS) works in an elementary school with children in Kindergarten through Third Grade (K-3). Program activities include mental health education, early identification and intervention, teacher consultation, and school climate enhancement to promote social-emotional development in the early childhood years through use of the established Pyramid Model strategies, Pyramid Model Inventory of Practices (IOP), and established B.A.S.I.C. practices.
Download the Project Basic Rack Card HERE

Student Assistant Program (SAP)
The Student Assistance Program is a comprehensive and integrated joint school and community mental health partnership that provides students and families with crisis intervention, prevention, counseling, mental health and related referral resources, and educational services. With the Student Assistance Program, the school possesses a means to combat the increasing problems of school violence, teacher/student conflict, teen suicide, truancy, teenage pregnancy, depression and substance abuse.

School Based Behavioral Health Liaisons (SBBHL)
The School Based Behavioral Health Liaisons (SBBHL) program provides mental health clinicians to assist schools in implementing trauma-informed, behavioral health services and supports for students with Social Emotional Disturbance (SED) or at risk of developing mental health or substance use disorder. The SBBHL program provides support and consultation to teachers and school personnel in implementing schoolwide trauma-informed practices; training and education to school personnel in behavioral health tropics (including mental health issues and substance abuse prevention) and trauma-informed approaches; individual and/or group interventions and psychoeducation to students to develop positive coping and de-escalation strategies; mental health/behavioral health screenings and assessments; referrals for services and supports; and liaison services to foster positive relationships between the school and families.