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Individual Placement and Support (IPS)

May 24, 2021 | News

Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is an evidenced based model of supported employment for people with serious mental illness. IPS Supported Employment helps people living with behavioral health conditions work at regular jobs of their choosing. Frontier Health’s Supported Employment program utilizes IPS to help individuals find and maintain jobs and thereby promote recovery in our community.

Frontier Health’s IPS specialists work to build relationships with businesses by visiting in person and learning about individual company cultures, preferences, and needs. When IPS specialists approach businesses, they do so based on the particular job seeker’s skills, strengths, and interests. In this way, the IPS specialists may be considered an extension of the human resources team at the company with the bonus of being a cost-free service. Once an individual is hired, the IPS specialist will assist with onboarding, training, and problem solving to ensure success for both the employee and the employer. 


  1. Every person with severe mental illness who wants to work is eligible for IPS supported employment
  2. Employment services integrate with mental health treatment services
  3. Competitive employment is the goal
  4. Personalized benefits counseling is provided
  5. The job search starts soon after a person expresses interest in working
  6. Employment specialists systematically develop relationships with employers based upon their individual’s preferences
  7. Job supports are continuous and long-lasting
  8. Individual preferences are honored

“The IPS services are important because they help both the individuals we serve and the community we live in. We know that work helps improve mental health symptoms and decrease substance use by giving people a purpose and an income. We assist area businesses by helping them find qualified employees from an untapped labor force and that have support from our employment specialists. We currently have a 61% retention rate for the employees we’ve placed.” – Cristi Blalock, Employment Services Coordinator, Frontier Health

If you are interested in having an assessment for eligibility and referral for the IPS program, OR If you are an employer who would like to connect with the IPS program to hire the individuals we serve please visit:

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