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Frontier Health – Juvenile Justice Reform

Business Address
208 E. Unaka Ave.
Johnson City, TN 37601

For questions or referrals, please contact our Program Coordinator at (423) 571-4949 The Juvenile Justice Reform Program (JJR) is a new program offered by Frontier Health focused on diverting youth from juvenile court involvement, decreasing the rate of out-of-home placements or placements in state’s custody, and increasing connections youth have with their families and communities.

The JJR program provides a Behavioral Health Court Liaison in each of the 11 courts with juvenile jurisdiction in the Northeast Region. Behavioral Health Court Liaisons will provide evidence based assessments and immediate access to behavioral health services.

Referrals can come from various sources, including directly from the court. If a youth is assessed as being at risk for out-of-home placement, the youth and family will be able to access FIRST (Family In-Home Resiliency and Stabilization Team). Each team, consisting of a therapist and care manager, will provide intensive in-home therapy and care management utilizing Multi-Dimensional Family Therapy (MDFT).

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